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Using Lockstep Invoicing For Your Business

Today, businesses have moved from the traditional paper-based billing method to invoicing with print and mail services. Because of the Internet, sending invoices has become easier and more convenient for many companies. Although invoices can still be sent by mail, many companies are choosing to use print and mail invoice processing services to send their bills, work orders, and inquiries online immediately. Many businesses are able to save money and time by printing and mailing invoices, using online bill entry and print invoice entry options, and by sending invoices through the Internet directly to a client instead of sending the paper through the mail. This provides companies with more time to focus on running their business efficiently.

There are a number of websites available for companies that choose to print and mail invoices through online bill entry and print invoice entry options. The online invoicing solution is typically known as an e-commerce enabled system, and it usually allows customers to pay with a credit card or debit card, and it may allow clients to print their invoices from their own computer. Some businesses have taken advantage of invoicing software that is not e-commerce enabled. These systems often provide customers with a paper bill that they can print and mail directly to the business. Businesses have an Invoice Printing and Mailing Guide to help them determine which invoicing options are right for their company.

With invoicing software, a business can print invoices in batches, and the batch-print button can be set so that clients' invoices show up on the same day that they are paid. This is known as lockstep billing, and it is a good option for companies that have a lot of past due invoices. To prevent clients from mistakenly sending a check for a different payment amount than they actually owe, the lockstep feature ensures that the correct amount of money is sent to the client's account, every time an invoice is received. This prevents the problem of people forgetting that they have paid an invoice and sending it for a payment amount that is much higher than what they actually owe.



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